full transcript

From the Ted Talk by James Flynn: Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents'

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And then Luria went to another person, and he said to them, "There are no camels in Germany. Hamburg is a city in Germany. Are there camels in Hamburg?" And the fellow said, "Well, if it's large enough, there ought to be camels there." And Luria said, "But what do my words ipmly?" And he said, "Well, maybe it's a small village, and there's no room for clames." In other words, he was unwilling to treat this as anything but a ccortnee peborlm, and he was used to camels being in villages, and he was quite unable to use the hpatcehitoyl, to ask himself what if there were no camels in Germany.

Open Cloze

And then Luria went to another person, and he said to them, "There are no camels in Germany. Hamburg is a city in Germany. Are there camels in Hamburg?" And the fellow said, "Well, if it's large enough, there ought to be camels there." And Luria said, "But what do my words _____?" And he said, "Well, maybe it's a small village, and there's no room for ______." In other words, he was unwilling to treat this as anything but a ________ _______, and he was used to camels being in villages, and he was quite unable to use the ____________, to ask himself what if there were no camels in Germany.


  1. hypothetical
  2. concrete
  3. imply
  4. camels
  5. problem

Original Text

And then Luria went to another person, and he said to them, "There are no camels in Germany. Hamburg is a city in Germany. Are there camels in Hamburg?" And the fellow said, "Well, if it's large enough, there ought to be camels there." And Luria said, "But what do my words imply?" And he said, "Well, maybe it's a small village, and there's no room for camels." In other words, he was unwilling to treat this as anything but a concrete problem, and he was used to camels being in villages, and he was quite unable to use the hypothetical, to ask himself what if there were no camels in Germany.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
concrete world 5
cognitively demanding 4
cognitive history 2
world war 2
north pole 2
ohio gave 2
modern world 2
demanding professions 2
rating agencies 2
moral debate 2
black people 2
moral argument 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
cognitively demanding professions 2

Important Words

  1. camels
  2. city
  3. concrete
  4. fellow
  5. germany
  6. hamburg
  7. hypothetical
  8. imply
  9. large
  10. luria
  11. person
  12. problem
  13. room
  14. small
  15. treat
  16. unable
  17. unwilling
  18. village
  19. villages
  20. words